Required Documents to Upload
The following forms are required to determine your grant amount:
• ARP Act Stabilization Subgrant Application
• W-9 Form (must be signed in 2022, previous years will not be accepted)
• Child Care License
• Proof of Operating Costs (see list below)
• Signed Sub-Recipient Agreement
• Valid Driver’s License/I.D. Card and SSN (for In-Home/Family Home Providers only)
1. Personnel Costs
A. Hiring documents, direct deposit forms, total hours worked, employee pay rate, tax deductions, regular payroll reports, insurance benefits (medical, dental vision, 401K), etc.
2. Rent, utilities, facilities, maintenance, and insurance
A. Mortgage/rent payments, any fees related to rent or mortgage payments
B. Insurance: homeowner’s insurance, general business liability insurance
C. Utilities expenses: payments to gas company, energy company, internet provider, phone provider, water/sewer services, trash services
D. Maintenance expenses or changes made to your facility to address COVID-19, such as air filtration systems, plexiglass dividers, etc.
3. Personal Protective equipment, cleaning, and other health and safety practices
A. Sanitizing wipes, bleach, hand soap, mops, spray bottles, and other cleaning and disinfecting materials
B. PPE such as face shields, masks, disposable gloves, and hand sanitizer
C. Trainings for staff on proper cleaning and disinfecting processes
D. Hiring cleaning companies, janitors, or any cleaning service
E. Ordering background checks and health and safety training
4. Equipment and Supplies
A. Accounting software
B. Payroll software
C. Software or materials to track and report public health data
D. Health monitoring equipment such as thermometers
E. Computers, smart phones, and/or tablets to be able to communicate with staff and families remotely, or support school-age children participate in distance learning in your care
5. Goods and Services
A. Food, snacks, beverages, dishes, bottles, bibs, cups, silverware, and other supplies needed for meal times and drinks