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TANF Services are available for eligible families who have had children placed with them or for which they are otherwise acting as a Diversion Services are available to families who are otherwise eligible for TANF. Diversions consist of a one-time payment of $2,000 and are limited to one per year and up to ten per lifetime. Those that receive Diversion Services cannot apply for a monthly cash grant until after the first day of the month, three months from the date that the Diversion Services closed.
You must meet the following requirements to be eligible for Tribal Government TANF Services:
1) If living within the boundaries of the Tribal Indian Reservation, there must be an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe living in the family unit.
2) If living outside the boundaries of the Tribal Indian Reservation but in Tribal X County or Tribal Y County, there must be an enrolled member of the Tribal Indian Nation living in the family unit.
3) Income limitations are based on 300% of the Federal Poverty Level for the year in which the application is received.

4) Must be a citizen on the United States or a certified Legal Alien Resident.

To avoid delay in determining eligibility, the following items must be submitted:

  • A Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) for at least one person in the family unit; and
  • Social Security Card for each adult and child in the family unit.
  • State Certified Birth Certificates for each adult and child in the family unit.
  • Verification of all household income, both earned and unearned, for the previous 60 days.
  • Proof of school enrollment for each child that is six years of age or older.
  • Custody Order or Parenting Plan that shows the children are in the home at least 51% of the time. This is only required if a parent is out of the home.