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Please complete the following form. The completed form will be emailed to the email you have specified. Please upload the form in your TANF application or in the upload portal.

Please contact XXXXX for questions or concerns regarding this process.

You have the right to discuss any action taken on your application or case with your caseworker or with your caseworker supervisor.

FAIR HEARING: If you disagree with an action by the Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Program affecting benefits or services you receive, you can ask for a Fair Hearing. You may do this in writing by addressing the Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Director. You must ask for a Fair Hearing within 10 days from the date of the CCTTP notice.

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS: You must provide or apply for a Social Security number for yourself and each household member for whom you are seeking benefits from the Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Program.

PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: The collection of information including Social Security numbers will be used to determine whether your household is eligible to participate in the Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Program. This information will be verified, and may be disclosed to other Federal and State Agencies for official examination.

HOME VISITS : Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Staff may visit your home and may contact other people to verify your eligibility for assistance.

CHANGE IN HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION: You are primarily responsible for providing proof of your household situation. You must report changes within 10 days. You may do this by contacting the Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Program by phone, in person or in writing.

You are required to report:

1. Changes to employment- starting or stopping a job, change in wages, rate change from part-time to full-time or full-time to part-time.

2. Changes in source of unearned income or in the amount of total unearned income.

3. Changes in your households’ expenses including shelter, dependent care medical and child support paid (you must report and verify changes in household expenses, before we can use them to figure your benefit amount).

4. When someone moves in or out of your home (report within 5 days when a child leaves your home).

5. If you move or get a new mailing address, or any of your contact information changes (including home & cell phone numbers).

6. If anyone in your household gets a vehicle.

7. If your household has a total of $2000 or more in cash and money in bank account(s).

8. Changes in medical insurance, if your household gets medical insurance.

WORK REQUIREMENTS: To receive Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF, you are required to participate in work activities. The Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Program must prepare a family Individual Improvement Plan (IIP) listing the steps you will take to become financially independent. You must participate in approved work activities unless you qualify for an exemption. If you are an unmarried minor parent, to receive Temporary Assistance you must live with a parent or other approved living arrangement and attend school. If you do not fulfill these work requirements, your benefits may reduce or denied.

DRUG TESTING: To receive Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF, you must agree and submit to Drug and Alcohol testing. This will not result in a denial of benefits but you may be required to address these issues within the Individual Improvement Plan.

FRAUD PENALTY: You may be prosecuted if you knowingly give false, incorrect or incomplete information to receive or try to receive assistance from Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF Program for benefits. You must repay benefits wrongfully received. If you misrepresent residency or identity to receive multiple benefits, you can be barred from receipt of Chippewa Cree Tribal TANF funds for a minimum of 1 year.

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